special n
The Belgians have their Special B(elgium), now we have our very own, a Special N(orwegian).
Complex multilayered dimensions of marzipan, toffee, figs, prunes, marshmallows, nuts and chalk full of dark malty melanoidins, all without the bitterness or astringency.
Special N imparts a smooth & robust flavor package perfect for Xmas beers.
The secret weapon for your next dark beer?

Malt Specifications
Moisture (%) <5
Friability (%) >79
Extract (FGDB) (%) >81
Color (Wort) °EBC 70 - 80
Total Protein (%) 10 - 10,7
S / T (%) 41 - 45
Usage (%) 5 - 30
Diastatic Power °L 20 < 40
Ph 5,2
Filtration time Normal
Clarity Clear
Color / Hue -Maroon
-Deep Red
*Malt specs subject to minor variation on a per batch basis​