Hvete Pale is our malted version of Rå Ellvis.
Due to our unique kilning profile, it is a bit darker than normal wheat malt at 6-8 EBC.
Hvete Pale gives a very malty grain flavor with a distinct nuttiness and slight creaminess. Residual proteins provide for increased head retention, building up the silky smooth full bodied mouthfeel of the beer, and the formation of haze.
Due to high unmodified protein content levels of wheat malt and lack of a grain husk, we suggest using rice hulls to assist lautering if used at more than 30% of
the grist load.
Max usage at 50%, suits American Wheat, Belgisk Wit, Hefeweizen, Dunkelweizen, Weizenbock, Fruit beers, and a number of other styles at lower usage rates.
Malt Specifications
Moisture (%) <5,5
Friability (%) --------
Extract (FGDB) (%) >81,5
Color (Wort) °EBC 5 < 8
Total Protein (%) 12,5 < 13,8
S / T (%) 34-38
FAN (mg/L) 100-120
Diastatic Power °L 70<80
Ph 6,1
*Malt specs subject to minor variation on a per batch basis​